Monday, April 11, 2011

Ryan sent me a package!

So earlier I was outside walking the dog, and the mailman drove past and waved on his way to the mailboxes. I left to go to the grocery store, came back to mail on my porch and one of those little pink papers. You know the kind- it nonchalantly says sorry we missed you! You can pick up your package tomorrow after 9 am. It said the package was from Ryan, and apparently when it goes thru customs, someone has to sign for it. I was really bummed, because I've been waiting for that package for almost 6 weeks! 4 weeks of Ryan procrastinating + 1.5 weeks actually in the mail :)
So I started cleaning-what I usually do when I'm upset, and a few hours later my doorbell rang. Insert psychotic dog here. Who was at my door? None other than the best mailman EVER!!!!!  He came back after delivering the rest of his route, just to see if I was home and try to deliver that package! Yeah, he'll be getting something extra in his Christmas card this year.
Anyways, Ryan sent me some chocolates from italy,  which of course were a little soft. I stuck those in the fridge for later :) He also sent a fedora, probably just to irk me-he has one already and I hate it; a t-shirt with his cologne (which I have now sniffed so much I'm surprised I'm not high!), an SD card with videos and pictures, and a belly dancer costume. Yes you read that right. As in the hand made beaded things you can find in Turkey. I'm not sure who he thinks will be wearing that?!?!? But here it is...

This just made my whole month. Now I'm going to go back to sniffing my t-shirt :)


  1. not everyone has one of those, watch out trick or treaters!

  2. aw I thought you would have posted a picture of you wearing the costume!! LOL!!
